Le piattaforme del capitale 3-4 marzo 2017

Seminario organizzato da EuroNomade con la collaborazione di Macao

L’intervento del gruppo Ippolita è previsto per Venerdi 3 marzo alle h 18.30

Platforms capitalism is a generic expression. On the one hand it refers to the specificity of
production models in the digital economy, whether we talk about Amazon, Netflix, Google,
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. At the same time it has been used to criticize the ambiguity inherent
to the sharing economy. But if the sharing economy was announced as a possible post-capitalist
and painless landing, platform capitalism warns that this option is a techno-utopia to be filed
promptly. Granted: mutualism and self-management remain essential tools of every organization of
living labor, but only in a conflictual relationship with the current transformation of power relations in
the society. What emerged from the great crises of 2008 is the co-presence of an informal
economy along with a regime of accumulation where digital platforms play a central role in
capitalist development.
A seminar on Platforms Capitalism must trace a double movement: focus on the actual trends and
subsequently widen the horizon. Analyzing reality is nothing academic in itself, but it means to
identify possible breaking points of a regime of accumulation hinged on the capture processes and
“Extraction”, aimed at ensuring a continuous flow of technological and organizational innovation,
crucial to the many and diverse digital platforms. This calls for the task of understanding the forms
of government and command of living labor, designed to manage and nourish a generational,
racial, gender stratification. There is no “middle layer” of the labor force, but rather a heterogeneity
of work in general that is the principle of reality from which stems any reflection. Experimentation,
co-research are the compass to use, but they are totally useless if are just mentioned passing.
One issue, however, captures the attention of newspapers, magazine and think-tanks.

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